Saturday, 28 May 2011


Skirt: thrifted
Wrap Shirt: Ikks
Necklace: Originally a magnet that I bought at Kronsborg Castle (where Hamlet is set) in Denmark. 
I made it into a necklace.

I ended up changing my shoes to an amazing pair of vintage purple wedges (they're a thousand times more comfortable) that I got in a thrift store in Columbia, South Carolina when I was there last March, but didn't take any more photos.

(click on it to see the writing)

Thursday, 26 May 2011


I dyed my hair! I suppose it's been red too long to say I 're-dyed' it pink, but that's what it feels like. 
While it makes wearing anything just a little bit harder, since I have a constant colour to contend with, it's worth it because I adore it. 

Pink Dye: Virgin Rose by Special Effects (diluted. 2 parts dye to 20 parts conditioner)
Turquoise dye: Atomic Turquoise by Manic Panic (undiluted)

The difference in the shade of pink is just because of the unevenness of my home bleach job.

Pants: Thrifted
Shoes: Vintage Doc Martins
Shirt(which is quite sheer, though you can't tell in these): H&M
Tank top worn under shirt: Thrifted
Jacket: H&M

I'm starting to work a lot more, which means I'm spending more and more time in my work cloths, which aren't particularly cute, instead of lovely summer things.
But fear not, I still have some time off to wear nice things.

And one of my goals for the summer/fall is to try more DIY projects, I always see the greatest how-tos and I'll eventually get around to trying some of them. 

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Dress: Old Navy 
Shoes: Thrifted

Went to the farmer's market this morning, very exciting, I know.
I went to the gym for about an hour this morning and then went to work, where they told me they'd double booked us so I could just go home. 
I went back to the gym for a while then came home and cleaned up my room a bit.

My father made me these racks for hanging all my necklaces on finally. I've wanted them for ages but never got around to mentioning it until about 3 days ago, for some reason.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011


I dyed my hair last week! It's a but lighter but I'm definitely going to bleach it in the next few weeks. 
I'm very much done with being a ginger for now, it's all about the blonde for summer. Really I just want blonde hair so I can add bits of blue and pink and have it be fun again.

Also seriously considering re-cutting my fringe, circa late 2009.

That's really just the hair I'm working towards having again.


Anyway, onto yesterday's outfit.

Lace Vest: Club Monaco
Tank Top: H&M
Trousers: LL Bean
Necklace: Peace Chain
Earrings: Originally from Claire's but I remade them, removing the part they had between the tear drop and the post. 
Belt: picked it up at Rags-A-Gogo when I was in NYC.

meet Helle & Loki; faithful companions.

Monday, 16 May 2011


Firstly, I'm sorry about my lack of updating. Typically, I didn't take any good outfit photos when I was away because I'm silly. I'm home again now and my second favourite season for fashion is close at hand, summer! Unfortuately it was 6 C here today, which makes me sad. But hopefully the weather will break ASAP and I'll be able to break out the sundresess and summer shoes.

Anyway, here's some stuff I'm lusting after from ModCloth. I've never actually bought anything from there and since they're not exactly cheap and I've heard horror stories about them I'm a bit nervous too, honestly.
Have any of you guys bought from them? if so, thoughts?




(It's a little hard to tell, but the back is sheer and has a pattern of black butterflies on it)






(I have literally never wanted a shoe more in my life. Someone give me $200 so I can get them! 
My goodness,  maybe they'll go on sale for a price I can, at least, talk myself into being ok.)



Sunday, 1 May 2011


I just spent about 45 minutes writing out an amazing tutorial for Newspaper Nails but then stupid goddamn blogspot just deleted it for no reason.

Here's what I followed, almost to the T.

As you can see I put the newspaper on a little early and some stuck. 
In the end I re-did the two fingers that look a mess in the last photo.

Tomorrow morning at 3 AM I'm leaving for the airport, which means I shall be gone for a week.
For ease of travel I'm not taking my laptop so I won't be posting until I get home.
But the good knews is that I'm visiting some very fashionable people so I will post a few outfits of mine/theirs as well when I'm home again on the 10th.