Thursday, 26 May 2011


I dyed my hair! I suppose it's been red too long to say I 're-dyed' it pink, but that's what it feels like. 
While it makes wearing anything just a little bit harder, since I have a constant colour to contend with, it's worth it because I adore it. 

Pink Dye: Virgin Rose by Special Effects (diluted. 2 parts dye to 20 parts conditioner)
Turquoise dye: Atomic Turquoise by Manic Panic (undiluted)

The difference in the shade of pink is just because of the unevenness of my home bleach job.

Pants: Thrifted
Shoes: Vintage Doc Martins
Shirt(which is quite sheer, though you can't tell in these): H&M
Tank top worn under shirt: Thrifted
Jacket: H&M

I'm starting to work a lot more, which means I'm spending more and more time in my work cloths, which aren't particularly cute, instead of lovely summer things.
But fear not, I still have some time off to wear nice things.

And one of my goals for the summer/fall is to try more DIY projects, I always see the greatest how-tos and I'll eventually get around to trying some of them. 

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